Park City Shop Opening Buzz

News of our shop opening in Park City garnered the attention of some great local media outlets, including:

  • The local NPR outlet, KPCW's talk show Mountain Money
  • The Park Record - local newspaper
  • Dishing Park City
  • Salt Lake City Magazine

Here are the highlights:

Interview with Mountain Money

Seasoned salesman and ever-so-well-spoken George Tyler Glod was peppered with insightful questions by Roger Goldman & Doug Wells of Mountain Money radio show.


Park Record Marketplace Article

The Park Record came by to meet the team and explore both sides of our new shop - the gallery-like New West KnifeWorks and grittier outdoorsy MTN Man Toy Shop.


Dishing Park City Feature

Dishing PC was among the first to spread the word about our new shop! We've been long-time friends and fans of their Jackson Hole based sister magazine, so it was great to see familiar faces.


Salt Lake City Magazine Gift Guide Highlight

Salt Lake City Magazine, ever on the leading edge, got us on their gift guide just as our doors were opening.

Here's to a great start in the beautiful, bustling town of Park City!